All of the doubt, the suspicion, and the anticipation that it just wouldn’t work. Thinking back to the first days of eHarmony, social media, and online dating, I can remember all of the scorn that would come as a result of saying that you were a couple that met online. Any popular disdain for online dating or hookup culture can now fade quietly into the night now that Tinder has become a mainstream social entity, even if it doesn’t always work. Let’s all give a warm round of applause to Tinder, for being the final straw that broke the camel’s back. If you’ve been itching to “swipe left” on a more comfortable screen than your smartphone can give you, read on for the details! Advertisement One of the most frequent frustrations that I read from Tinder users is that they can only ever use it on their phones (a closer runner up being the app’s persistent bedsharing with Facebook, every pun intended.) Unbeknownst to many Tinder users, we actually have a tried and true (and legal!) method of getting Tinder for Mac or Windows PC with minimal fuss and minimal third-party software involvement.