Players can explore the map area freely to complete side objectives and scout for resources. It will also reveal Resonance points, which provide hints regarding what had happened in the world of Union. The player is also given an item known as “The Communicator”, which helps to highlight the objectives, resources, and enemies featured in the game’s world. In The Evil Within 2, maps are larger and there are multiple ways for players to advance in a level.

In addition, Sebastian witnesses a mysterious photographer with supernatural powers hunting down and murdering Mobius operatives. Upon entering Union, Sebastian quickly finds that the town has been turned into a nightmare realm where all of the inhabitants have either been killed or mutated into bloodthirsty monsters.

Therefore, Sebastian is forced to enter STEM and the mysterious town of Union to save his daughter. Sebastian is then approached by former partner and Mobius agent Juli Kidman, who reveals to him that Lily is still alive since Mobius faked her death. He continues to be haunted by his experiences at Beacon, the disappearance of his wife Myra, and the death of his daughter Lily in a house fire. Three years after the events at Beacon Mental Hospital, Sebastian Castellanos has left the Krimson City Police Department. Thankfully, we finally received that continuation. Anyway, there was plenty of room for continuation of the story. I never understood how being compared to one of the best action/horror titles of all time could be a negative. Still, people criticized its gameplay for being far too similar to Resident Evil 4. If you can’t think up new ideas then why not look to the past? I was a huge fan of The Evil Within, giving it a solid 8/10. In truth, the genre needs an injection of innovation. However, even there the genre seems to be lacking direction.

There were plenty of other horror games but you’d have to look to the independent market to find them. Resident Evil 7 released this year and it was very good but that was pretty much it. Survival horror is one of my favourite genres, it pains me to see it struggle so. AAA horror games are a rarity these days.